Applicable provisions
Marimekko Corporation is a Finnish public limited liability company which applies the Finnish Companies Act, other regulations concerning public listed companies, Marimekko Corporation’s Articles of Association and Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd’s rules and regulations in its decision-making and administration. In addition, Marimekko Corporation complies with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code for listed companies, in force since 1 January 2025, according to the comply-or-explain principle.
For the financial year 2024, Marimekko has complied with all the recommendations of the Finnish Corporate Governance Code, but with a temporary derogation from the recommendation on the number of committee members (recommendation 15). Marimekko announced on 2 November 2023 that Mikko-Heikki Inkeroinen, a member of Marimekko’s Board of Directors and Audit and Remuneration Committee, had been appointed as the company’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO) starting from 29 January 2024. Inkeroinen resigned from his position as a member of the Board of Directors and the Audit and Remuneration Committee of Marimekko on the same date, 29 January 2024. Therefore, departing from recommendation 15 of the Finnish Corporate Governance Code, the Audit and Remuneration Committee had two members on a temporary basis during 29 January 2024–16 April 2024. In accordance with said recommendation, the Audit and Remuneration Committee has had three members since 16 April 2024, when the Board of Directors elected at the Annual General Meeting appointed a new committee from among its members.
Group structure
The Marimekko Group comprises Marimekko Corporation and its subsidiaries. The company’s registered office is in Helsinki, Finland.